Feng Shui
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Started by: Sapphire Sent: 07/02/2001 23:51 4 Replies
Hey can any of you help me - Im not a fan of feng shui but ill TRY anything to help my sleepless nights - I know its a form of "insomnia" but I know its not medically caused...Im wondering if any of you KNOW which way the bed should face (north, east, west south???) for a positive outlook inlife?

sorry if im rambling a lot of mumbo jumbo but im sure one of you ou tthere will know what im on about!!!!!!!11


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From: Dionne Sent: 08/02/2001 00:04 1 of 4
Me again!!

I seem to recall that you're head should face North while you're sleeping......could be wrong though????!...don't take my word for it

Love, light & sweet dreams...


From: Akasha Sent: 08/02/2001 14:43 2 of 4
your head should be at magnetic north and your feet south, this aligns you with the earths magnetic field.

From: freyarainbowtree Sent: 08/02/2001 19:55 3 of 4
Hiya, just thought I'd add a couple of thoughts:
sleeping with your head pointing north is supposed to promote stability,calmness and recuperation from illness.
East to west is good for sharpning mental powers and freedom of mind. Also, because the sun rises in the east, you're following the natural alignment of the planets. Head pointing south is bad, and is meant to be very draining, and can also bring about insomnia. Finally, head pointing west is good for love, spirituality, and creativity, and promotes psychic ability, though a little pillow filled with lavendar and mugwort does the job just as well, I think.
Anyway, hope thats a help,

From: Sapphire Sent: 09/02/2001 00:27 4 of 4
Why Why Why.. Thank you all - I figured out the problem... my head was facing South............ Now ive changed me bed around and now hopefully all those insomniac nights go away.. If not.. Ill take your suggestion Freya - .. Lavender....

Thanks again