Human Rights Act 1998 -- maybe the repeal of Witchcraft Act but not sure yet
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Started by: Ranatash Sent: 25/02/2001 21:24 0 Replies
Hi all
Ookster ask "" I'd be really interested to know on what date and also under what act the modern legalised witchcraft law was passed-eg, is it called 'Freedom of Religion Act or anything like that? ""
I think this might be it as the timing seems right. But I will find out, proberly means a trip to the libary, i love researching stuff anyway.
if the links don't work below in the text then try clicking here:
I hope this information is helpful to someone, as for why i'm researching it i have no idea it just seems the right thing to do.
Brightest Blessings to all,

What are the main provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998?
The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates into domestic law the European Convention on Human Rights, and came into force in England on the 2 October 2000.

The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms was established by the Council of Europe in 1950, ratified by the UK in 1951, and brought into force two years later. It was thought unnecessary at that time for the UK to incorporate the Convention into domestic law because rights covered under it were taken to already flow from UK law.

The Act incorporates all the main rights from the Convention's articles and rights in Protocol 1:

Right to life

Prohibition of torture

Prohibition of slavery and forced labour

Right to liberty and security

Right to a fair trial

No punishment without law

Right to respect for private and family life

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Freedom of expression

Freedom of assembly and association

Right to marry

Prohibition of discrimination

Protection of property

Right to education

Right to free elections

The Human Rights Unit at the Home Office works to see that the Act is properly implemented.

See also Does the Human Rights Act 1998 give UK citizens new rights? and How will the Human Rights Act 1998 work in practice for individual citizens?