January, February ...
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Started by: White Crow Sent: 11/02/2001 18:53 10 Replies
Is it just me, or does February just seem to me a depressing month that drags on and on? I cannot believe how much trouble seems to wait for me during this month...

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From: Fel Sent: 11/02/2001 19:13 1 of 10
Phew do I not agree,
why dont we have 45 days in January and 45 days in March and get rid of February altogether
All those in favour ??

From: Runebear Sent: 11/02/2001 19:21 2 of 10
Actually, I'm quite fond of June- its quite hot, and I get to go on me hols!!! Plus June is a great time to celebrate the end of exams! So lets get rid of all those other pointless months, and have a nice long June!

From: Star Sent: 12/02/2001 10:34 3 of 10
Actually they call February the suicide month, because more people comit suicide in Feb than any other month of the year! I guess it is mostly because as you say it is so grey and crap weather wise and also because you have nothing really to look forward to. Christmas is gone and summer just seems ages away. I think it might also have to do with that damn Valentines day right in the middle of the month. Perhaps we should find some spells to induce cheer for the masses into Feb. Personally I am sending Valentines cards to all my single friends because I hate the idea of any of them not getting one, I only hope someone does the same for me .

From: Dionne Sent: 12/02/2001 14:07 4 of 10
February doesn't seem quite so bad now as it used to..

When I worked (in an accounts office)...it was dark when I went to work & dark when I came home...the only time I saw daylight was weekends..

But now I'm at uni...I'm outside alot & you can see it's not really that far to spring & summer...the sun's out (occasionally!) & the birds are singing!

Go to the woods....listen to the birds singing & the stream flowing... & it wont seem so bad

From: Star Sent: 12/02/2001 15:17 5 of 10
Now then people, whilst I am all in favour of allowing nature to take her natural course, I think we can all agree we have had rain a'plenty. November and December gave us one of the wettest winters on record and I for one am suffering. Oh bring me sunshine! So how about we do something about it? Who here knows any Weather Spells? A sun dance perhaps? A god we could give offerings to? What are you doing for your country?

From: dragonflame Sent: 12/02/2001 17:39 6 of 10
whoops about the bad weather1 LOL i bought a rain stick at the wrong time of year..
not me honest guv' !!!
(ducks behind metaphorical rock)

From: White Crow Sent: 12/02/2001 18:33 7 of 10
Just chalk be down to February-psychosis. I quite honestly feel that my world has fallen to pieces the last 2 weeks, and its not even Valentines day yet!

Mike T.

From: Dionne Sent: 12/02/2001 19:06 8 of 10
Whats wrong White?...

If you want to talk about it...we're here (albeit not very personal!)


From: Saffron Sent: 12/02/2001 22:55 9 of 10
I have always been quite fond of February, mainly cos thats when my birthday is I guess, but we also have Imbolg with its promise of new beginnings. And what about the snow drops everywhere? suddenly clusters of snow white flowers have appeared all over the place. The days are just starting to get longer, you get the best chance all year of being really romantic, or an excuse not to be romantic all year because you can make up for it on Valentine day. Come the end of February and we can start to look forward to Spring.
And February does it best not to drag on too long either, and you still get paid a whole months wages even though its 3 days shorter than lots of other months. And where would aquarius be without February?
No - sorry, if any months got to go its got to be November, now there's a depressing month if ever there was one. Its dark, its cold, its long, and it dosnt promise to get any better for months.

From: Sapphire Sent: 12/02/2001 23:31 10 of 10
i agree with you all - February just seems to go on and on and on ... hey, im convinced St Valentines has some sort of a love curse - every valentine disco ive been to in the past ...7 years or so either a couple has split up or a massive love web has occured - Thats the reason I stay well away from Valentines.... Things always seem to look up .. financially wise etc etc but never love wise... and the months seem to drag.. I AGREE abt the weather too - its been terrible although we had a day of sun the other day .. Im going to do some sort of a love ritual on the 14th Feb.

Im in favour of only April, May, June, July and August in the year (Ooh and December!) yes im still a wee baby at heart .....

February always seems to be the month when I always want to stay in bed and just sleep.....or scoff me face.... so its not a healthy month altogethr - I saw the river wishing spell someone posted on the message board and I think i will do that soon ....
