peoples reactions
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Started by: Mel Sent: 21/02/2001 16:17 9 Replies
what are peoples reactions when you tell them you are a witch/wiccan/pagan etc?

when i told one friend although she didn't say anything, i got the impression she didn't want to talk about it.

when i told another of my friends she was very supportive, and now we have many a didcusion about it over a couple of bottles of wine.

when i told my mum she told me that her beliefs called also be classed as pagan, this came as quite a suprise to me.


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From: The Flame Haired Lovely Sent: 21/02/2001 19:54 1 of 9
I don't usually get a reaction from people, maybe a look of surprise, and then questions but that's usually about it. But then again by the time anyone gets to know that about me, they've usually twigged I really don't give a fuck what they think. They either accept me or bog off!


From: Dionne Sent: 21/02/2001 20:51 2 of 9
When I told my mum I was Wiccan...she asked what it I told her, basically "Witchcraft"...which may not have been the best way to tell her!...after the "I hope you're not getting into anything dodgy" speech...I explained to her what it really was & I think she's fine about it now...

One of my male friends wasn't in the slightest surprised....he's always known I'm not entirely normal anyway!

Paganism came up in a conversation at college not all that long it came out then that I was of my friends was really interested...the others just kept quiet!

By far the most understanding person I've told is Lee (my blokey)...he never batted an eyelid...asked me about it...let me talk about it... took me to pagan shops...the list is endless...
I feel soooo lucky to have such a great boyfriend



From: munkipoo Sent: 22/02/2001 18:11 3 of 9
um i dont usually get a reaction

either the persons already run off or they know me in which case they've known i was a freak since i was about 7 so nothing i can say or do will surprise my old maths teacher(perfectly normal btw)just said 'very nice' when i pierced my lip witha safety pin for assembly once many years ago

From: Akasha Sent: 23/02/2001 14:03 4 of 9
i have had a mixed bunch of reactions but my favourite happened today.
i have a sort of friend thing i train tae kwon do with, she has known im a witch for a while, not cos i specifically told her but i mentioned it in passing once or twice.
She has never really said anything, i know that she is a member of the christian society, and i am grateful to her for keeping quiet and carrying on.
today she had a flyer with her about a religeous debate gong on at uni in a few days time, it listed the religeons being discussed, but to my dismay did not mention paganism, which is a bit strange seeing as paganism is the origin of most of the religeons on the list. when i mentioned that wicca and paganism were not represented she turned to me straight and said "witchcraft is not a religeon, its a cult".
as if she could be more wrong, i told her that as there was no leader or guru we followed and that we practised solitary there wasno way you could classify it as a cult at which point the lecturer started;so im in two minds now whether i ought to give her some info and take away the ignorance or leave her be.

From: The Flame Haired Lovely Sent: 25/02/2001 11:41 5 of 9
my advice would be to let it go and cont with the friendship. Staunch Christians (in my exp.) tend not to be too open minded, and able to listen. This could be very much what you do is alot more effective than what you say.

From: Akasha Sent: 25/02/2001 12:03 6 of 9
thats what i thought.
that said shes known me for over a year, so it surprised me that she would think i would be the type that would be involved in a cult, im not sure if she is the friend i thought she was.
That said i never thought of her as a christian person either (i mean not just standard christian, but shes in the christian society ie knocking on doors sking if you found jesus, singing amazing grace to a guitar, eeek)

From: maisie Sent: 25/02/2001 12:15 7 of 9
Stick to your beliefs and let your friend stick to hers. I don't think religon should affect friendships, and you should not try to influence others to your way of thinking......freedom of choice..pure and simple

Love and light


From: Akasha Sent: 25/02/2001 12:37 8 of 9
its not her religeous beliefs that are the problem. its her misconceptions about my religeon that worries me.

From: maisie Sent: 25/02/2001 12:47 9 of 9
If your friend cannot accept you and your beliefs, and is unable to understand the true concepts of paganism then that's her problem ...not yours......too may wars are started by conflicting religons......

Love and Light
